Thursday, March 16, 2017

One Pound Down Per Day Challenge

My sweetie and I are moving in together next month. I had put on a little weight from the holidays and just generally being "fat and happy" in this relationship, so on Sunday I gave myself a goal to lose 20 pounds by move-in date.

That worked out to be approximately a pound a day, and so the #1lbDownPerDay challenge was born. It's easier than you think... All I've had to do is go back to what I know is right:

  • No miscombinations allowed (not even slight ones!)
  • Eating 4:1 or as close as I can (4 servings fruit/veg for every 1 serving protein/carbs)
  • Chewing any carbs to almost liquid before swallowing (still difficult!)
  • Eating a wide variety of colorful fruits and veggies (especially raw as much as possible)

Today is Thursday and I'm down 4 pounds since Sunday, so right on track! 🙌😁 Also my arms are firming up and feeling more toned already 💪 WOOHOO!!

And I've gotten to enjoy good food that makes my body feel HAPPY, like fruit and yogurt smoothies

homemade vegetable broth (veggie scraps simmered and strained) with extra veggies added

as base for delicious super-sized soup meals with chicken or ravioli (and sour cream and bacon!)

and fantastic meals like brunch and steak dinner with homemade tomato bisque and rutabaga sides

not to mention decadent brownies for dessert

And you thought Regenerative Eating was a diet... 😆😅😆😅😆

Wanna see what Regenerative Eating can do for you? Try my FoodMagick 4-Day Challenge FREE...

Your body will thank you! 💗

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Another Day, Another Benefit

Woohoo after today's fantastic post-church noshing at Panera, I think I should add Soups to my Smoothies and Salads week. It's been too long since I regularly enjoyed delicious soups, and these are especially soothing and satisfying on cool crazy-windy days like today--especially when they include bacon, cream, or cream cheese... YUMMY!

And you thought Regenerative Eating was a diet...

Plus I have like 3 baggies of veggie tops in the freezer that are begging to be made into broth... Ooh and I can simmer those in bone broth for even more flavor as well as gut and health benefits!

Speaking of... My gut health is also improving as a result of getting my diet back on track. 💩

So hey even if you don't want to try sticking with only Smoothies, Soups, and Salads like I am this coming week, do yourself and your health a favor by at least giving Regenerative Eating a go.

I have a handy 4-Day Challenge right here to make it super-easy, and you can try it for free.

The Challenge includes 4 days of magnificent meals and snacks, along with grocery store shortcuts, restaurant options, and tons of tips to help you learn more and realize at least a few of the awesome benefits of Regenerative Eating.

Then if you'll drop me a line and let me know how great you feel, I'll send you another 3 days' worth of recipes, tips, and tricks... FREE!

Good Eating and Better Health to You 🍑

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Let's try this again, shall we?

Okay I'm trying this blogging thing again, so let's get caught up, it's been a while.

Toward the end of 2013 I started a new job where I had to drive over an hour each way to sit in an office all day long. I also started eating more, and more carbs--which I didn't need--and this together in an awful combination with less sleep, less fresh air, less sunshine, and less gardening resulted in weight gain.

I called it "the office 30"; similar to "the freshman 15" but twice as bad. I did manage to knock 10 of those pounds back off though...

Then toward the end of 2014 I started dating a man who loved to cook but insisted on frying everything. Not gonna lie, it was delicious! But falling so far off the wagon added even more weight, and then in 2015 I started getting sick again.

After 6 years without so much as even a headache, my first bout of the flu made me feel like I was going to die. Oh how easy it is to forget how awful symptoms can be when you haven't had any in forever!

The relationship with Fry Daddy didn't last, and at the beginning of 2016 I started working on getting my health back, dropping about 10 pounds pretty easily once again.

I joined Events & Adventures and had a really great time participating in so many awesome activities with wonderful people!

I had also started swimming regularly and dropped another 10 pounds in about a month or so, until the kids got out of school and made it nearly impossible for me to do laps in the apartment pool anymore.

Then I started doing karaoke and discovered an addiction I never knew was possible... I fuckn LOVE it!!

Along with going to bars more often came more drinking and more less-than-healthful eating, but karaoke also introduced me to many more new friends as well as the love of my life, so I can't really knock it too much 😉

One of the most awesome things about my sweetie is that he was immediately interested in exploring what FoodMagick could do for him, and very quickly he alleviated shoulder joint pain and lost almost 20 pounds...

But then I got laid off from my dream job shortly before the holidays, and I found most of the weight he lost. He put a few back on too, so at least I'm not in this alone.

I guess it's true, misery loves company! LOL

So now here we are at the beginning of a new year full of new opportunities and a new start to getting back to where I know I can be, healthwise.

Earlier this month I started eating more by the suggestions in The Official Menu Book of the Hay System, and already I've gotten rid of lingering congestion and my fingernails are stronger. Next week I'm kicking off a "Smoothies and Salads" week to detox my body and get my alkaline reserves fortified.

I can hardly wait to see what happens as a result!

I hope you'll join me in trying to become the healthiest you you can be 👍